Season 1 Trailer

Are you a quilter who loves notions? If you are a quilter – then of course you’re a notion fan! This podcast was made for you.

We’ve started recording episodes with some of our favorite notion inventors and can’t wait to share those interviews with you! The first episodes will launch August of 2015. Until then, here is the Season 1 Trailer…

Trailer Transcript:

Carolina Moore:
Hey there, quilting friend. It’s Carolina Moore, your favorite sewing and quilting YouTuber, and now podcaster. I’m so excited that I am starting a new podcast called I Love Notions.
This needs no introduction really, because it is all about loving notions. I’ve been quilting for 30 years, and for over the last decade, I’ve been a pattern designer, inventor of notions, book author. I’m an ambassador for Baby Lock sewing machines, and I am Art Gallery Fabrics celebrity. I get to work with amazing brands and alongside some fabulous peers in the pattern design and notion design space. But, before getting into the business side of quilting, I was a quilter. I still am a quilter. I quilt as a hobby, as well as a business. But, I spent 20 years as a hobby quilter before ever getting into the business. And my favorite part of quilting was always the notions. Yes, I love fabric. I love picking out fabrics, I love collecting fabrics. I love everything about fabrics. But there was always something about that notions wall, that connected me, that drew me in, that I wanted to look at all these tools to see, is this going to make my quilting life easier? What did other quilters design to make that technique that I’ve been avoiding so much easier or more enticing?
What have other quilters come up with to solve the problems that either I knew I had or I didn’t even know were solvable? After becoming a notions inventor myself, with the spot on dot, and then the box bag template, the foundation piecing water pens and the cut anywhere tabs, with more notions in development, I learned that there’s a lot more to designing a notion and creating a notion, than I ever realized. And so I wanted to go on this journey of talking to other quilters who have design notions, other people in the notion space to learn what’s so special about these notions that take up the notion wall in our favorite quilt stores. How did they come to get there? And what are the stories behind the people that created these notions that I use every day in my sewing room? And many that you may use in your sewing room every day as well. And that’s how I started or why I started this podcast. I love notions.
We’ll be putting this podcast into seasons, and we’ll start with 18 episodes, three episodes a week, so you can binge listen three episodes a week for six weeks in August and September, and then we’ll take a break to see if y’all love this format as much as I do. Then, hopefully y’all will send me your recommendations of the notion designers that you want to hear from, that you want to learn more about. And if this goes great, we’ll see about having a season two in 2024.
I can’t wait to hear what you think about these interviews. I’ve already started some of them, and I am so excited to share the stories of these notions that you already love, or the notions that you may not have heard of yet, and share those with you over these upcoming weeks. Make sure that you subscribe to this podcast in your favorite podcasting app so you don’t miss a single episode. And I hope that if you don’t already love notions as much as I do, that you do, by the end of this first season. That’s all I have for you today, but I will see you right here, real soon, with a podcast interview from one of your favorite notions designers.

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